Our Mission

To promote the attainment of the highest possible quality of sexual and reproductive health and rights of women, new-born, children and adolescents in Tanzania through education, research, advocacy, excellence and partnership.

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Our Vision

AGOTA believes that all Tanzanian women, new-born, children and adolescents should achieve the highest quality of care possible leading to optimal sexual and reproductive health and rights

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Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians of Tanzania (AGOTA)

Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians of Tanzania (AGOTA) is a full registered organization under the Tanzania Civil Code No. 212 SO No.12573). AGOTA is the professional association that unites all Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in Tanzania. It is an affiliate of International Federation of Gynecologists and obstetricians (FIGO) and East Central and Southern Africa College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ECSACOG).

AGOTA has grown from an organization found by 10 members in 1974 into a much larger organization with current line membership over 400 members. AGOTA has been involved in various activities to further the health of women and medical profession in Tanzania. To name a few, organization of workshops and seminars such as Safe motherhood and newborn health, emergency obstetric care, unsafe abortion, and family planning,

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Our Projects

Our Projects

Comprehensive Post-Abortion Care Project

Life Saving Skills (LSS) Project

Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) Projects

Help Mother Survive Bleeding After Birth (HMS-BAB) Cluster Randomized Trial

Tabora Maternal Newborn Health Initiative (TAMANI) project

Postpartum IUCD training (PPIUCD)




Wed-May-2025:  37th ISGE Annual Meeting in Conjunction with 28 th AGOTA National Congress Read More

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Latest Events



AGOTA in collaboration with TTCIH meeting on on-going and expansion of project on MPDSR in Tanzania, funded by UNFPA- December 2023

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The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) World Congress, October 2023

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27th AGOTA Annual General Meeting- 2023

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Meeting with the Honorable Minister of Health, Ummy Mwalimu- November 2023

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26th AGOTA Annual General Meeting - 2021

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